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Minutes 4-24-12
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held on April 24, 2012.

Present: Nathan Gumlaw, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Neal Byrne, Patricia Caron, Mary Lovett, Marianne Martone and James Wettlaufer.

Chairperson called the meeting to order.  The minutes of April 10, 2012 were read and accepted and will be distributed.

7:00 p.m.  We discussed Howard Fife’s email pertaining to the Opacum Property along May Brook, pictures depicting piles of debris made up of roots, vegetated debris, rocks and washed sand, used in septic fields and rocks that have rolled to the water’s edge.  He indicated having spoken to Wayne Harrington of 79 Maybrook Rd. who had his septic system repaired recently.  Mr. Harrington denied any responsibility.

Mary Lovett reported having done a site visit of Gary Boniface’s property at 11 Craig Rd. stating that rip-rap was placed along ¾ of the shoreline and has been replanted, but old stones are still there.

7:35 p.m.  Howard Fife, who is on the Board of Directors at Opacum and a former member of the Conservation Commission, brought in more pictures of the damage done on the Opacum property across the street from 79 Maybrook Rd.  Following discussion, Mary Lovett volunteered to write letters to all the property owners on Maybrook Rd. requesting that they all respect the Opacum property so all can enjoy its beauty, rather than defile it with debris.

7:55 p.m.  Robert Pellicare and Megan Bocian of 223 Mashapaug Rd. came in response to the Enforcement Order sent on April 21, 2012.  They were very upset having been accused of violating the Wetlands Protection Act when they were not home owners until 12-28-2011, whereas the violations occurred in the fall of 2011.  They gave us a copy of their Certificate of Property Insurance which was dated 12-28-2011.  They requested that the MA DEP rescind this Enforcement Order as they “did not want to be considered as violators”.  They were informed that the MA DEP would be notified of these circumstances and action would be taken.  They then said that they would like to make a small garden in back of their house and would this create a problem.  They were informed that under the circumstances it would be wise for them to submit a Request for Determination which would be published as a Legal Ad in the Southbridge News informing all of their intent.  A form from the Virtual Town Hall site to obtain the Request for Determination was given.

We received a recorded Order of Conditions from Richard Polverari of 7 Sunset Ln., DEP File #184-0261.

We received on behalf of Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. notification from Hatch Mott MacDonald their intent to perform pipeline system maintenance activities in the Town of Holland.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Patricia Caron, Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.